Plumbing With Integrity

HydroStatic Test

Plumbing With Integrity

Hydro Static Testing

The Bearded Plumber Monogram TBP

San Antonio Hydrostatic Tests

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The Bearded Plumber Monogram TBP

San Antonio Hydro static Plumbing Test

What is a Hydrostatic Test?

A Hydrostatic Test, or Static Test, is a test designed to verify the integrity of a sewer system. The test is performed by filling your home drain system with water and then monitoring the water level for leaks. If there is a leak the water level will drop. 

Hydrostatic Testing Infographic

Steps To Perform A Hydro static Test

  1. Insert a test ball into the clean out. 
  2. Remove a toilet or locate a slab level drain (Stand up shower)
  3. Begin to fill the system with water
  4. Once the system is sufficiently filled with water we check the test ball to be certain it is properly sealed
  5. The water level is then monitored from the slab level drain
  6. If the water level doesn’t change, the system passes the test.
  7. If the water level drops then there is a leak in the system. 
Why are Hydrostatic Tests Important?

We’ve already established that these tests help determine if water is leaking under your foundation, but why does that matter?

Water leaking under your foundation in Texas will eventually cause foundation issues. The soil here expands when wet and shrinks as it dries out. Which is why we see those big cracks in the ground during the summer. 

This expansion can lift your home off the ground in certain areas and cause your foundation to crack or your home to shift. This shift can make the damage to your pipes worse in turn causing more water to leak and making the shifts worse. 

Have you seen cracks in your walls or worse in your floors? These are common signs that your foundation is shifting and that you could have damage. 

A home is only as good as its foundation, and after prolonged exposure to water leakage your foundation will eventually become damaged and that damage will spread across your home

What Happens If The Static Test Fails?

When a sewer system fails a hydro static test, it means there is a leak under your foundation.

Failed Static Test - Sewer Camera Pinpoint

Equipped with cutting-edge imaging technology, our team meticulously inspects your sewer system to identify and pinpoint any potential issues. Upon discovering a break, we thoroughly test different sections of the system to ensure the system’s integrity and locate any issues.

This method ensures that we find any defects, even if they aren’t visible. 

After we locate the problems we will map out the reapir process and give you an estimate. 

Learn more about Camera pinpoints and the excavation & repair process.